台湾清华大学 系统神经科学


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台湾清华大学 系统神经科学


Week 1. Organization of the nervous systems

1. Anatomical organization of CNS and PNS

2. Functional organization of the brain

3. Regional specialization of the cerebral cortex

4. Neural organization of perception

5. Neural organization of cognition

6. Neural organization of action

7. Quantification of perception and action

8. Functional imaging of the brain

Week 2. Sensation and perception: touch and pain

1. Sensory receptors and sensory coding

2. Sensory processing beyond receptors

3. The somatosensory system

4. Mechanoreceptors and touch

5. Tactile information processing

6. Thermal receptors and temperature

7. Nociceptors and pain

8. Nociceptive information processing

Week 3. Sensation and perception: vision I

1. Eye, brain, and vision

2. Phototransduction and adaptation

3. Neural organization of the retina

4. Retinal ganglion cells

5. Neural organization of the primary visual cortex

6. Intermediate-level visual processing

7. Color vision

8. Depth and motion perception

Week 4. Sensation and perception: vision II

1. Contextual effect of visual perception

2. Object perception

3. Perceptual constancy

4. Visual memory

5. Internal representations of space

6. Visuomotor control

7. Scene stabilization during saccades

8. Attention and visual processing

Week 5. Sensation and perception: audition, olfaction, and gustation

1. Mechanoelectrical transduction of hair cells

2. Cochlear structure and frequency coding

3. Sound localization and spatial mapping

4. Sound perception and vocal learning

5. Olfactory receptors and coding

6. Neural organization of odor perception

7. Taste receptors and taste buds

8. Gustatory information processing

Week 6. Movement and action: peripheral mechanisms

1. Muscle structure and force

2. Motor unit

3. Muscle action

4. Local spinal circuits of reflexes

5. Regulation of spinal reflexes

6. Central pattern generator and locomotion

7. Neural control of locomotion

Week 7. Movement and action: central control

1. Eye movements and extraocular muscles

2. The control of gaze

3. The vestibular apparatus and vestibulo-ocular reflex

4. The vestibular system

5. Postural equilibrium and orientation

6. Sensory integration and control of posture

7. Neural organization of cerebellum

8. Functions of cerebellum

9. The basal ganglia

Week 8. Movement and action: coordination and planning

1. Motor commands and sensorimotor transformation

2. The organization and planning of movement

3. Cortical areas for voluntary motor control

4. Neural coding of motor commands

5. Neuroprosthesis and adaptive motor learning

6. Voluntary movement: reaching for an object

7. Voluntary movement: grasping an object

8. Planning action and mirror neurons

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